Your first Appointment- what to expect and £10 off as an Introduction in August
If you haven’t been to see Hugo before then read on to find out what to expect. And for the month of August there’s an introductory £10 reduction on the first Appointment fee. Normally £60 now £50. So you can get back to your best and make the most of the Summer!
The First Appointment- what to expect
There are typically two parts.
Part One: Typically 15-20 mins. This is when we talk about the area of your body that is hurting or preventing you doing the activity you want to do. I’ll ask you detailed questions about when it started,

1st Appointment- what to expect
what makes it worse or better, the type of pain. Is it a dull ache or a burning pain? How does the pain change during the day? What history you have with previous muscle or joint pain? It is all designed to give me a short list of possible causes for your pain or restriction of movement.
General Health
So I have a good picture of your overall health I will ask questions about your general health. Such as your diet, how much water you drink, the amount of exercise you take. Any previous illnesses, accidents or operations. Any allergies you may have? Any MRI scans, X rays, CT scans etc. If you have any of these and they are relevant to your current issue then please bring them along.
Part 2– Evaluation and Treatment– Typically 40-45 mins. This is when I ask you to move and see what effect that has in terms of possible pain it may cause and how restricted a particular joint or muscle or area of the body may be. Don’t worry most of the movement should not cause pain. I may ask you to walk or even run if that is when the pain occurs. Where possible I want to see you in action, as it were, not static. Of course you may be in considerable pain just standing let alone walking and I will tailor my assessment to you so you are in the least amount of discomfort possible. This movement assessment will

3D functional movement and osteopathy
then segues into treatment. However the treatment may focus entirely on a specific joint movements but more often it will be a combination of movement based 3D Functional movement and hands on massage and joint mobility.
Access to Youtube channel of exercises
At the end of the session we will recap together on the movements we have been through and these will become your homework. We will either video them for you take with you or you can refer to a version of them on my Youtube channel. Patients find this a very useful too as a reference after the first session. It’s difficult to concentrate when you may be in some discomfort. We will agree if I need to see you again and what are the likely number of treatments. This will be reviewed every time I see you so there is no pressure for you to sign up to a specific number of sessions.
What you need to know before you book an appointment
- Come in loose fitting clothes or have a change of clothes that are loose- shorts and T shirt for men, leggings and t shirt for women. What ever you feel comfortable it. If you do have back pain I may need to see your back so you may need to dress so that I can see your back easily.
- MRI reports or x rays-if you have them and they relevant then please bring them along
- If you book in August you will receive £10 off your first appointment
- You can pay by credit or debit card or cash
- You can book online or by phone
- The treatment approach aims to reduce pain quickly, increase movement and give you the strategies to stop the pain returning. If your still unsure please read some of the reviews of my patients.